Launched in 2009, Adlam Ink is a full service communications agency offering PR and strategic input on media and communications plans, creative design services, language and editing. Emphasis is placed on value-adds and quality over quantity. At Adlam Ink, you won’t get palmed off on junior account executives or never meet the person actually executing your campaigns, nor will you wonder if a larger agency could deliver more bang for your buck.
Over the years, Adlam Ink has built up a solid supplier network, including specialist printers, web developers, freelance writers and strategic analysts – all brought in to help execute the client’s strategy and production requirements as needed.
We literally get to know your brand inside out. In fact, give it six months and we’ll probably know your brand better than you do.
About Claire Adlam
Born and bred in Zimbabwe, Claire has been in PR for 23 years. Her career started in Harare back in the days of manual press clippings (and industrial-sized sticks of Pritt), when the local journalists weren’t above free lunches for a headline and electronic mail delivery seemed positively far-fetched.
She worked her way up the ladder, training under an ex journalist in Zimbabwe and working in the PR agency environment for over a decade followed by in-house corporate communications / management. Tired of Zimbabwe’s nine-figure currency and failing infrastructure, Claire moved south to Cape Town in 2006.
Writing is a passion and by-product of her desire to see more people using language more effectively. Claire has her first novel in the works, is an avid observer of modern society and is endlessly fascinated by how people build and promote their personal brand. She has a slightly dry take on life and is a fan of the (dying) art of being able to laugh at one’s self.
The Adlam Ink Ndoro
The Adlam Ink logo, besides being an artistic take on several punctuation symbols, is based on the Ndoro symbol.
Found in Zimbabwe’s Shona art, the Ndoro is a sacred symbol inspired by the spiralling shape of the marine mollusc, an object seldom found in land-locked Zimbabwe. Its rarity saw the Ndoro evolve into a symbol of rank and authority. It is believed to have been an early form of currency and therefore became a sign of prosperity in ancient cultures.
The colours represent the full colour spectrum. Because, when it comes to communication, we believe we have all angles covered.
Image: ©2006-2014 apoetsdream.